Check out this wasp nest sent into the show by listener Cassi!
We asked our listeners how they’re dealing with wasps this season – they seem to be worse than ever!
With an apple tree hanging over the fence and rotten apples accumulating on the ground – they love to hang around and cause mayhem. It doesn’t help having hound dogs that LOVE chomping on ground apples that could have some wasps lingering in or around them. Nightmare!
Here are some of the best tips we have received on the show so far:
Hang a brown paper bag (fill it with air) near where they linger- they will think it’s a wasp nest and move to a different area.
Windex as a repellent
Hanging Bounce Sheets near where you hang out – no wasps will linger!
1/2 cup apple cider vinegar, 1/2 cup of sugar, 1/2 cup of water and 3 drops of dish soap in a bowl.

Apparently burning coffee grounds will deter them, as well!