Lisa And Ryder’s Daughter Go Viral

Watch this video and we’ll break down why it has so many people from areas of the world where it doesn’t get as cold thinking that we FAKED THIS.

Of course – when you first watch this video you probably think ” there’s no way that froze in under 6 seconds”

Which is TRUE. So this is how we got the experiment going. We boiled our noodles, put a small portion in a bowl and brought it outside (yes we were properly bunded up at this point LOL) and we lifted the noodles with the (unmatched – how embarrassing) chopsticks. We did NOT want to stand outside in -40 C weather so we propped the chopsticks up on a fake Snake Plant that I own (because let’s be real – I kill all my real plants)

We watched from inside as it began to freeze – every once in a while going out quickly to check on it. (This was super annoying because Charley would leave the door wide open letting all the heat out. My father would kill us if he witnessed this) It took about 15 minutes for it to completely freeze enough for us to pull the plant away and for them to stand on their own.

That was when we filmed this video. Trust me- I don’t let Ryder’s daughter outside in just a sweatshirt and zero gloves like this longer than 6 seconds HAHA. This was us just showing it off. To lots of people they think it’s fake because it must come off as if we are saying this is her pulling the noodles up and it freezing in 6 seconds. NOT THE CASE. We are also laughing at how many people think it’s not cold at all here – cause they can’t see her breath as she’s talking. Hmmm…ok. Just check the forecast?? ANYWAY – A FUN EXPERIMENT TO DO WITH THE KIDS. JUST MAKE SURE THEY HAVE A JACKET ON AND GLOVES WHEN YOU POST A VIDEO CAUSE IT MIGHT GO VIRAL AND LIGHT UP YOUR NOTIFICATIONS ALL DAY


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